Sunday, March 6, 2011

Return to Me

Shortly before 1:00 PM today I received a rather odd, but interesting email. It was a Linkedin request from someone named Heather. To the best of my knowledge, I do not now, nor have I ever known this person, so I was curious to learn why she wanted to be linked to me. Her Linkedin request contained the following message:

"I know this sounds odd but I found a high school ring with the name Heather on it from Perry Meridian High 1993. I did a search and found you. I'm living near the southport area and would like to return your
ring if it's yours. It has the initals HAN inside of it."

The message also contained her phone number. So I gave her a call. It turns out that she lives close to me, so we arranged to meet after I had lunch with my mom. During lunch I was wracking my brain trying to figure out where I'd lost the ring. Honestly, I didn't know it was lost. My parents moved when I was in college. I quit wearing the ring after high school and assumed that it had gotten packed into a box like all of my other belongings. I have a pretty good memory, so I don't think I ever realized that I'd lost the ring.

After lunch I hurried to the Walgreen's parking lot where I met Heather Harris and retrieved my ring. Yes, it was indeed my class ring. She said she found it in a park 6 or more years ago. She thought it was odd because her name is also Heather. She said she'd meant to call the school right after she found it, but got busy with life and never did so. She came across the ring recently and did an internet search and came up with my name. I am so thankful that she took the time to do so.

In our family, the custom is to pick out your class ring your freshman year. This way you get to wear it for four years. My grandparents bought me my ring for Christmas 1989. I remember going to the mall and picking it out. It's a simple ring: 19, Heather, and powder blue and silver (school colors) on one side, 93 and a falcon (mascot) on the other. The ring means a lot to me, not because I have strong ties to my high school years, but because it was a gift from my grandparents. My grandpa passed away a few years ago and I know my grandma won't be around forever. Now I have my ring back so I can always have a piece of them.  I gave it a good cleaning and looks almost brand new.

My faith in humanity has been restored for the day. Heather must truly be a special person. Not everyone would hang on to a ring and seek out the owner. I thank her beyond words.