Monday, November 22, 2010

And so...Annie Waits, Annie Waits, Annie Waits

I don't know exactly when I discovered it, but I have a secret love. It is a silly little crush on song with random clapping. I guess the clapping isn't all that random, but I love it nonetheless. I don't know what it is about these songs, but I can't help but feel happy when they grace my radio. I've been known to nearly run off the road trying to clap along.

If you've never noticed it before, I'm sure you'll be listening for those happy claps now.

Some of my favorite clapping songs are:

1. Annie Waits by Ben Folds
2. Take the Money and Run by The Steve Miller Band
3. Saturday Night by The Bay City Rollers
4. Jack and Diane by John Mellencamp
5. Centerfield by John Fogerty
6. Close to Me by The Cure
7. Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da by The Beatles
8. Private Eyes by Hall and Oates
9. Space Oddity by David Bowie
10. Der Kommissar by After the Fire
11. Along Comes Mary by The Association

I'm sure there are more, but these are all I can think of right now. What are some of your favorite clapping songs?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Lunchbox Has Landed

Every time I open my iTunes or turn on my iPod and "The Lunchbox Has Landed" from The Full Monty Soundtrack comes on I can't help but laugh to myself. It isn't because The Full Monty is a funny movie (which it is). It isn't because it is a great song or one that has meaning in my life. (Actually the song kind of sucks) I laugh because it is by Anne Dudley.

To the average person, Anne Dudley probably means absolutely nothing. Sometime ago I read that one can find out his or her "stripper name" by taking his or her middle name and the name of the street he or she grew up on. Yes, you guessed stripper name would be Anne Dudley.

Anne Dudley - Possibly the least stripper-like name in the history of stripper names. The lunchbox has landed indeed.